We’re busy going backwards


There are two things that I’m hearing a lot from leaders these days. Friends too. First- there are the daily social, political and cultural observations shared in the latte line, true to the spirit of the Farmers Almanac of the good ol’ days. But with a darker edge. I hear about how dry the forest is. How we can’t go outside because of the smoke hazard. That you can’t have abortions now in a growing # of states. How a Canadian Premier supports outing LGBTQ2S+ kids to their parents. I hear people worry about more pipelines, even though deep down, we know we can’t continue like this. Even my kids too. Yesterday my son asked incredulously, “why did they put all this plastic foam around the ice cream cones? Who does this?”

It feels messy. Overwhelming. Backwards.

Then….in the next breath I hear: I’m so busy. We’re so busy. I have no time. We have no time. Nothing is strategic. What a cluster-f**k.

It’s true- our time, actions, choices often feel or appear thoughtless, rushed, absent of any deeper focus or presence.

These realities are linked. What’s happening inside our own personal container (self-as-instrument) and outside (the broader movements of social and political change) are interconnected. Our choices and actions are informed by short-term goals that benefit the few when our attention and presence is fractured. It’s a bit of a mess.


We need everybody. We need you.


This is why I made the choice to follow a deep calling- to support our collective inner transformation in service to the radical changes needed to birth a planet of dignity, wholeness, and sustainability.

As Greta Thunberg said this week “we need everybody”.

Thanks to Greta, and the awesome tweens in my town who are protesting school on Fridays. They show us that when we get everybody together we are bigger than the mess.

Today, I’m thrilled to have my piece Why Knowing that Our Evolution is a Facilitator’s Strength published on Medium as guest author with the incredible Integral Facilitation and Leadership team at Ten Directions. It’s written for you and all leaders committed to social, gender, and environmental justice. It’s written for you, when you’re worried we’re going backwards. At it’s core: we’re bigger than the mess.

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Now I’d love to hear from you. Where are you seeing evidence (clues even!) that there is something to this. What do you look for, to feel that we’re exactly where we need to be. Smoke, pandemic, and all. Your observations, insights and personal sharing are so important to me and to all of us…so please don’t be shy!