


Welcome to The Tension of Emergence Podcast


I believe that we create the things we need the most.

This word “tension” has always been hard for me. I’ve resisted the harder experiences in life- scary things like pain, conflict and discomfort. This cultural moment is full of this right now. And yet, the only way into new possibility is to embrace the inevitable tension that accompanies it.

I’m lucky to have many friends and teachers who are committed to being with this “tension”. They are courageous and awake, wise and generous.  On this show we share stories of descent, creativity, slowing down, dreaming. Or, as Bayo Akomolafe encourages, we stay with the trouble. Each conversation is invitation. To discover and practice new ways of being, thinking and perceiving. 

Let’s lead generously and creatively as the world cracks open and beckons something new. Please Subscribe to Apple Podcasts or follow on Spotify so you’ll never miss an episode.

Season 3 features deep dives with special guests and weekly practice episodes. It kicked off in April, 2024.


The Episodes