The Trap of Accomplishment

Disappointed by your lack of accomplishment? Ever look back at the year and feel like you accomplished ‘hardly anything’? Or feel like your attempts were akin to a torn fishing net, never catching a thing? Maybe the projects you led never came to fruition....

Is ambition dead?

How your gonna get ‘what’s next’?   Feel like you need more than just clarity on where you’re going? Like the fire of action to attain your next promotion or opportunity? Ambition. Someone might say…. “you just need more ambition”. Truth-...

The Toll of Striving

An open letter to Striving Dear Striving (“You”), I know you have a ton on your plate- but gotta minute? I want to address you publicly because you just keep slinking around, normalizing things that aren’t always helpful. I’ve known you as efforting, pushing,...