Practicing Renewal through Celebration and Beauty (Part 2)

We all have the capacity to renew ourselves in stretches of hardship and intensity. But in a culture that prefers to go around, rather than through difficult times, what does a practice of renewal look like? In this episode Jennifer is joined by change-maker Lisa...

Living Your Purpose- with Cecily Nicholson

Jennifer is joined by Cecily Nicholson, a critically-acclaimed poet to discuss her path of purpose through social action and and poetics. An advocate of mental health, prison abolitionism, and a meticulous researcher Cecily shows us how to be generous observers of the...

Unlearning Perfectionism

Where and when are you invested in getting something perfect or ‘just right’? Whether a project brief, workout, conversation on racism, or your last parenting move? In this episode, Jennifer talks with artist, performer, and somatic educator Rachel...

Introducing The Tension Of Emergence

Join host, Jennifer England, as she explores what happens when we slow down and let go of control on the transformational path of inner and outer change-making. Together we explore the discomfort and delight of expansion and the power of alchemizing it to allow...