Eros and the Revitalization of the Masculine with Ian MacKenzie

A renaissance is happening and it’s dissolving limited stereotypes defined by the “man box” and “toxic masculinity”. Jennifer talks with filmmaker, writer and visionary artist, Ian MacKenzie about his journey through art and village to discover what it means to...

Healing from Double Binds with Nora Bateson

Are you caught in a double bind? One of those untenable life situations where you feel torn between two seemingly opposing identities or experiences? Jennifer talks with filmmaker, writer and educator Nora Bateson for an intimate look at double binds and how expanding...

Be Unproductive (A Practice for You) with Jennifer England

Jennifer offers a practice, inspired by her conversation with creative director and visionary artist Jon Marro. How can you access more creative lifeforce when you’re exhausted, too busy, or disheartened by world events? When we’re running at a feverishly high pace to...

Creative Activism with Jon Marro

How can we access more creativity and imagination- especially as old systems and structures collapse? Jennifer speaks with multi-disciplinary artist and visionary Jon Marro about courage and humility in the transformative world of creative activism. With reverence to...