Workshops with Jennifer England, Leadership Strategist and Coach
Jennifer England sitting on a rock in Alaska

To make a world of difference, learn to lead with more of you.


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A 4 week course with Integral Master Coach, Jennifer England called Commit to Your Cause

Commit to Your Cause-

A 4 week online course



INQUIRE: for more details



Are you excited and terrified by the whispers that call into something new? Want greater clarity, momentum and confidence as you consider commiting to your ‘what’s next’?

In this series, you’ll get clear on what you’re being called to develop at this stage of your life and leadership.

You’ll explore the patterns and external conditions that hold you back, including the culture of urgency and endless distractions.

Work skillfully with the resistance that keeps you in your zone of comfort and excellence: self-doubt, risk aversion, and attachment to external expectations.

These times call for us to be fully self-expressed as we bring our gifts, questions and energy to the world’s biggest challenges.

Discover your unique calling, what it takes to commit, and experience greater ease and intuitive decision making as you bring your cause to life.



Join a sharp, open-hearted group of committed leaders for a rich practice field to discover: 

  • Which unhelpful patterns and external conditions keep you spinning and suffering
  • Practices for greater clarity, creativity and momentum
  • The centrality of desire, aliveness and longing in self expression
  • How to bring your ’cause to life during these crazy times
  • Four 90 Minute Classes
  • Workbook with prompts and practices
  • Live weekly office hours
  • Late 2023 dates TBA. To inquire, email
Lead without stress

Staying Grounded in the Illusion of Urgency





Are you feeling slammed by all the urgent* things you have to do? Feel like you’re doing nothing well?  Welcome to leading in 2021 and beyond.

The tidal waves of deadlines, with the edginess of social stress and near-panic, can stretch us so wide that we easily lose our ground, compass, and presence.

We don’t show up how we want and we feel stuck in an endless cycle of intensity. Yet why do we rush around when we know that ‘urgency’, for the most part, is an illusion?


Join a sharp, open-hearted group of committed leaders for a rich practice field to discover: 

  • Your own relationship with Urgency and stillness
  • Which unhelpful patterns keep you spinning and suffering
  • Practices for greater centering and calm 
  • How to respond effectively when ‘urgency’ grips you (again)
  • 90 Minute Interactive Workshop- Part of Commit to Your Cause online course. 

I highly recommend Jennifer England for anyone wanting to step more directly and compassionately into their innate capacities for leadership; Jennifer will tease it out of you with the utmost care, a dash of humour, and her highly skilled approach. -Fabienne Calvert Filteau, Canada

Grounded and Calm in Distraction

Finding Clarity, Calm and Purpose in the Noise




What if the noise ‘out there’ didn’t distract you from clarity, calm and purpose?

This ‘noise’ can be social unrest, advice about life/career decisions, polarization, or simply too many choices. When we listen more to the external noise ‘out there’ it can feel like disconnection- from ourselves and each other. 



  • How external ‘noise’ can reflect your own inner ‘noise’
  • What your relationship to distraction is on behalf of
  • The upside and downside of external pressure
  • Practices for deeper calm, so you can get clear and align action with purpose

  • A 90 Minute Online workshop- part of the Commit to Your Cause online course

Jennifer and her practice have transformed me. Her work, approach, style, communication, passion, brains and care is game and life changing.    – Lauren Manekin Beille, Yukon University, Canada

Leadership Accomplishments

Acknowledging your Growing Capacities in these Crazy Times




At the beginning of 2020, I said something like “Live your most expansive year ever”.  Covid had other plans for us and we all did some version of ‘shelter-in-place’. The wild world took off from there; we juggled working from home with homeschooling and feeling overwhelm and grief at an unprecedented scale.

For committed leaders of social change, we are even more stretched as our care and responsibility expands during these difficult times. For many of us, the pressure has been unparalleled; and we’ve all felt anxious and exhausted from a neverending cycle of challenges. 

Throughout it, new capacities have emerged. Are you aware of yours? If so, have you taken the time to witness and honour them? If not- this is a perfect time to claim a supportive space- to do just that.


So let’s gather and take the time (because you probably haven’t yet) to explore:

  • The unique challenges for committed leaders of social change
  • Our biggest roadblocks and how we navigated them
  • Where we sourced strength and support- both seen and unseen
  • Which strengths and ways of being did we surprisingly draw upon
  • New emerging capacities and presence we’re beginning to recognize
  • A 90 Minute Online workshop- part of the Commit to Your Cause online course

Jennifer helped me see myself in a new way that highlighted my strengths and develop new capacities to prevent emotional and energetic burnout. Her ability to empathize, synthesize and reflect a person’s experience is magic. 

Sandy Ayre, Yoga for Grief Support, Canada

up level your leadership

Momentum in 2024: My Commitment and Desire for Impact




When times are uncertain, and social change feels messy and confusing, it can feel almost ridiculous to think that ‘little me’ can have a big impact. Yet mid-way through the year, we create a potent container to check in, clarify and alight your commitment and desire for impact for 2024. 

Through candid conversation, creativity and silence- including poetry, writing, stillness, guided meditation- you will encounter the inner whispers that are calling you forward. By the end, you’ll have a taste of  the ‘body of work’ or ‘next expression of leadership’ you are drawn to manifest this year.


In this workshop you will:

  • Reconnect with your purpose and desires for impact
  • Answer: how do I want to feel this year leading? What patterns can I let go of?
  • Tune into your intuition and wisdom
  • Identify the support and conditions to realize your desired impact
  • Gather practices to support a strong inner voice and decisive action, with less pressure and striving
  • A 90 Minute Online workshop- part of the Commit to Your Cause online course

Jennifer is a focused mix of insight and integrity. She’s able to hone in on the juiciest areas for growth in ways I couldn’t anticipate.     Wren Nicolardi, Non Profit Leader- Canada