BECOMING with Jennifer England

 Lead with more clarity and confidence in the noise.

You’re invited to Becoming, an experiential

5-month group coaching program for seasoned change makers.

If you’re feeling called to….

Get clear in the overwhelm

Feel centered in the noise. Ride the waves without drowning in your calendar. Reorient to endless demand so you can confidently lead through uncertainty.  Step more fully into a meaningful expression of your life and leadership.

Strengthen your authentic voice

Tired of performing in a system that leaves you unsatisfied? Want to lead with your values and speak up, even when it’s uncomfortable.  Celebrate your strengths. Be honest and learn from your edges.

Effort less even when there’s resistance.

You don’t need to be a battlefield warrior. Solo hustles are so 2002. Work smarter not harder by understanding resistance, inspiring your team and uniting the silos.  Catalyze creativity by owning what you don’t know, inviting others in and allowing yourself to be vulnerable through the toughest stretches.  

You’re invited to take one of 10 spots in Becoming. We’re welcoming seasoned change makers who want to meet their ‘what’s next’ with grit and grace in community.

Ready? We’d love to have you.

 To get on a wait-list for 2024, click below.

  You’re moved by our wild (post) human planet and want to contribute rather than give up. 

For years, you’ve contributed your gifts to address the urgency of global warming, housing insecurity, reconciliation, healing and justice.  

While you’ve been doing your best, you notice you waver. 

Maybe you’re exhausted or are not sure what to do next. You want to work and lead in a way that mirrors what you really believe: that we’re ultimately held by something mysterious and bigger than you. If only you could trust this knowing. And lead through the butterflies of possibility to what’s next.



But what comes instead is the pressure to get somewhere, and fast. 


You sense our culture’s relentless drive for ‘more, faster’ (including your own personal development). Your nervous system can easily shift out of the window of tolerance. Most nights your mind never stops- you’ve got so many ideas AND the pressure to accomplish.

Ah, this water we swim in! I call it the ‘culture of urgency’.

In Becoming, we remind each other that urgency is an illusion. As you give yourself permission to slow down something begins to shift. 

Instead of restlessness, you allow yourself to get a little lost and curious

Instead of martyrdom, you put down your sword and acknowledge the resilience of others (they don’t need your saving).

Instead of hyper-productivity as proof of success, you determine your own version of success that honors rather than exhausts.

Instead of perfectionism, you invite the wisdom of experimenting and falling. Instead of hiding, you take more risks and focus less on what others think.

As I reflect on how Becoming has impacted my life, it’s like everything in my life and leadership has come into bloom. I’m appreciating my character and skills that make me a unique leader and human. When I started Becoming I thought I had to ‘change’ to be an effective leader- somehow harder, more extroverted, assertive. Through Jennifer’s teaching, coaching and practices I came to recognize that my softness, gentleness, introversion, and compassion are strengths and strong resources. I became clear about the areas of challenge that left me drained while new boundaries created freedom within my closest relationships.


With the support of Jennifer and an amazing group of Becoming-ers, I discovered more ease and balance in my everyday life! In my leadership roles I feel more authentic, confident and trusting in my unique way of being. This has felt so freeing and exciting.

Sandy Ayre

Yoga for Grief Support


You don’t need to work harder to thrive in a new role, transition or messy middle. In the words of Nigerian philosopher Bayo Akomolafe “these times are urgent, we must slow down”.

Becoming is a brave space that supports you to do just this. 

It offers clarity, inspiration, and potent practice to bring your leadership development goals to life in a focused time-frame.

In the program, you will:
  • Deepen your voice of integrity to courageously express your own unique leadership style and vision
  • Develop new ways of being and capacities so you can amplify your impact on your cause
  • Curate a series of practices so you can continue to grow and experience momentum after the program ends.
  • Experience a strong and compassionate container to take thoughtfully scaled risk to generate the change you desire.
  • Relax into an energizing container of visionaries so you have a stronger network to collaborate with.

Becoming is a curated container to support your ‘what’s next’.


8 Group Virtual Calls, individual coaching sessions, Mighty Networks group + Leadership Pods

  • 2 Options for Engagement Depth:
    • Option 1: Full program + 2 individual coaching sessions  ($3800 USD- with CDN pricing available)
    • Option 2: Full program + 4 individual coaching sessions +  ($4600 USD- with CDN pricing available)

How the program works

BECOMING offers you customized, personal development in community guided by three core themes.

(Modules 1-3)

Develop your unique Leadership Development map- highlighting your unique gifts, strengths, and experience to help you get traction on your cause.

 We begin with the core principle of becoming: that you are ‘complete’ right here, right now.

 And yet, there’s a paradox – your being called into new territory.

 How do you both honor where you are, while becoming in ways that stretch you with integrity?

 In the first three modules we explore where you are and where you are being called to grow, through your Leadership Development Map.

Highlights include:
  • Reveal your authentic self in leadership- Recognize your unique gifts and developmental edges and celebrate the strength you bring to new territory. 

  • Embrace a different path- Find solace in being misunderstood, doing things differently, taking a path less secure and known in order to model what it means to lead and live.

  • The power of adaptability– Lead responsively, with courage and discernment, without reproducing oppressive leadership norms. 
(Modules 4-6)

Develop true influence, which is power with not power over rooted in your authentic self-expression.

The root of influence is based in the idea of exchange. When you’re truly grounded in integrity, you’re confident to allow yourself to be influenced. In essence, being influential requires a belief in who you are (integrity) and an ability to allow a “flowing in” and a “flowing out” of ideas and energy.

Contrary to how we’re taught, influence is essential the capacity to lead and collaborate with others.

Highlights include:
  • Confidence to experiment and take riskCourage to try new things and integrate insight and feedback from others. 

  • Gain new ways of leading– How you collaborate, navigate conflict and lead shift as you engage new practices, build new muscles, and take on new perspectives unique to your area of growth.

  • Renew energy and playfulness– Take yourself and your development less seriously. Find ways to soften, relax, and enjoy the ups and downs of transition, change and uncertainty. 
(Modules 7-8)

Take all you’ve learned through practice, coaching, and peer learning and recognize the impact you’re making. In the final theme you’ll explore what is impact? On what scale? From whose perspective?

We work with your Leadership Development Map and explore where you’re making a difference. You’ll also learn to harness the wisdom of resistance and work through when things don’t unfold as planned.

Highlights include:
  • Clarity on the next step- Develop trust in the messy middle, rather than looking for certainty. You don’t need everyone’s approval to continue. Learn to check for new (and unconventional) ways of knowing that you’re on the right path.  

  • Nurture energizing relationships– gain new allies as you share openly, speak honestly and experiment boldly.

  • Accountability and follow through– Practices, intimate 1:1 and group coaching, and your new community will help you take concrete action and amplify your impact through the waves of change.

In addition to an amazing community of experienced leaders you’ll receive:


A personal Leadership Development Map- to guide your professional goals, new ways of being, and custom designed practices


8 Group Virtual Calls- Every 2 weeks you'll gather for 90 minutes for teaching and group exploration of practices and lessons.


2 individual coaching sessions- 60 minute, deep dives 1:1 with Jennifer to super-charge your growth (with an option for additional sessions).


Thematic teaching on integrity, influence and impact.


Access to Mighty Networks. Experience this sweet online place to access course resources and connect between virtual calls.


Leadership Pods (optional)- experience the intimacy of a small group (2-3 leaders) for support and integration.


Individual and Group Practices- disrupt old patterns and build new skills


Bonus - Integrally-informed Guest Teachers on emergent topics


How much time will this take each week?

Expect between 2-3 hours per week, including working with your coaching practices and meeting with your Leadership pods.

What is the cost?

The investment is $3800 USD including 2 coaching sessions, or $4600 USD for additional coaching sessions (a total of 4). Canadian pricing is available for Canadian residents. There are payment plans available for all options.

Will I receive direct 1:1 coaching from Jennifer?

Yes in the 1:1 sessions and within a group coaching context.

How many people are in the program?

We are inviting an intimate cohort of up to 10 leaders into the 2024 program.

Who is in the program?

They are seasoned change-makers – from the entrepreneurial, non-profit or public sphere- who want to make a bigger impact for the collective good. They are multi-passionate, self-aware, deeply generous and want to contribute (not contract) in this challenging cultural moment.

How do I apply for the program?

To secure one of 10 spots, a refundable deposit of $500 is required.

When is the final date for registration?

To join the wait list for the 2024 program, click here.

Do you offer a refund?

Refunds on deposits are available up until the week before the program starts. There are no refunds of partial or full payments after the first day of the program.

Do I get a certificate at the end?

Yes, a certificate is provided at the end of the program.

Are scholarships available?

There are a select number of 50% scholarships available for students, BIPOC leaders and those leading in the non-profit sector. Please email Jennifer at to indicate your interest in a scholarship.

Ready to feel more clear and confident in the midst of a stretch?


Yes I’m in! I’d like to secure my spot today.


Ok, now for a brief manifesto….

Being a change-maker is hard.

It requires you to risk being misunderstood and trust an unknowable emerging future. Whatever your calling, Becoming is a place to explore and manifest your ‘what’s next’. 

Whether you’re a conscious CEO, lawyer, founder, artist or post-activist- you want to be a part of the global good. 

I designed this program because I believe we need more counter-cultural spaces that embrace uncertainty.  Becoming is one node in a global network of emergent communities that tend ‘self-as-instrument’ for the biggest challenges of our times. It’s a bedrock of community, practice and expansion. 

To find our way together, I’ve created a soft landing for experimentation and risk. 

Becoming offers a place to take off your mask. A sanctuary where your own new beginnings, endings and messy middles are revered. A field for surrender and action. Self-determination and devotion to our interdependence. Being, belonging and Becoming.  



If this intrigues or calls you, join us!